Sunday, October 30, 2011

Installing VLC Media for N9

The best multi-format video viewers has to be VLC. Michael has kindly provided this guide showing how to install VLC to your N9. Instructions on how to uninstall VLC can be found here.
It is relatively simple, but some people may find it a bit tricky as it uses Terminal commands, so I am gonna run a step by step guide on how do to it.
Step One:
Click here to download libvlc5 and vlc-player on your PC, and transfer it to your device. (It is easier to download fromyour PC as Web tries to open it straight and it will not install.)
Step Two:
If you haven’t, you will need to enable Developer Mode by going to Settings > Security > Developer Mode and hit the “switch”. For first time users, you will need to download and install a few files, as well as reboot the device. (Once you complete the install, you can hit the switch back over and next time you want to use Dev Mode, no install needs to be done.)
Step Three:
In Terminal, gain root access by typing devel-su and when prompted enter password rootme .
Once you have gained root access, type cd (directory you saved the two files in) eg. cd /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads/
Now enter the following;
dpkg -i libvlc5_*.deb vlc-player_*.deb
A lot of writing will appear and you may be prompted to enter y to confirm the install.
NB: It may display some errors, don’t worry, everything works eventually.
Step Four:
If it worked, there should be the VLC traffic cone in your apps list. Run the app, and enjoy.
Just a heads-up, the UI is NOT optimised for MeeGo, it looks like the desktop version, so hitting some buttons are a bit of an issue, but after you get the hang of it, it works well.
For those who do not plan on using Developer mode on a regular basis or do not know what they are doing, I suggest disabling as your device can be hacked easily while you are in this mode.

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