Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lost my virtual N9 keyboard

I am not sure when but recently I found that my keyboard on the Nokia N9 disappeared! I went to the Web browser and tapped on the location bar only to get no response from the phone. Usually the keyboard will magically appear from below but this time, nothing!

I gave a shout out for some help on Twitter but nothing seemed to work. I uninstalled some recently installed Apps like Swipe Manager and some others and still nothing. Restarted the phone, even tried Settings -> Restore. Nothing. Uninstalled PhoneTorch, ScreenshotMe, FileManager and CameraPro and still nothing.

Under Settings -> Time and Language -> Text Input -> Installed Input Methods needs to have something in there "English UK" for example. I turned off the phone. Left it for 10 seconds and turned it on again and it worked! The keyboard was back! Somewhere in there was the problem.. not sure what did it but I posted this up in case someone else out there lost a keyboard whilst playing with their Nokia N9.

Touch screen devices now mean we can never take the keyboard for granted

@NokiaHelps on Twitter just left this message which may be helpful to someone experiencing the disappearing keyboard:

'Unfortunately not known why virtual kb lost. If still happens, try pressing power button for 8s to reboot'


  1. "Reboot tut gut" as we say in German :-D

    (reboot is doing you good)

    However, this comes from Windows times...

  2. haha interesting, welcome my German friend :)

  3. Thanks for this! I had the same issue. I went into Settings -> Text and Lang -> Text Input and noticed that the the Installed Input Methods was magically empty (no idea why). Added the english keyboard, rebooted and everything was working again.

    Thanks for this post.. Saved me today!

  4. Thanks for your help! I had the same problem of the keyboard disappearing.I kind of panicked, then found this blog.Did what you stated and it worked.
    Thanks again:)

  5. all fine and well but if you have enabled a security code you can't get past it to re-enable the keyboard...

  6. I can´t add new input methods... I'm desperating... can't get the keyboard

  7. high guys i downloaded the tweak programme to make me fonts bigger and now have no keyboard any idea as how to get me keyboard back any suggestions,,thanks,,steve

  8. did u try the instructions above?

  9. yep,it tells me mi have uninstalled all keyboards????

  10. ive rebooted 3 times,,reset it twice changed language settings,,turned off developer mode still nothing

  11. now it wont even turn on ,yellow triangle error,,only see on screen flashin white light in bottom corner wen charging,

  12. I solved this problem by removing "quick voice input record"

  13. Same problem, but n) blocked, so I can't input my passwd.

    how can I reset phone?

  14. hi! i have a problem in my keyboard, i changed the keyboard input text format to english mode but my password was in persian date format as 7/11/1378 (the degigts are in persian or indian format) now how can i change the keyboard or skip the password phase.
    thanks if any one can help me.
