Thursday, January 26, 2012

Lumia 800 arrives in Australia in March (but we'll have it next week)

Nokia's first big launch of the Lumia 800 in Australia will be in March 2012. For those that own a Nokia N9, the Lumia 800 is the Windows Phone 7 version of the Nokia N9. The Lumia 800 incorporates the best OS that Windows can offer with what you all know to be the best hardware build for a mobile phone in the Nokia N9. 

We'll be trialling the Lumia 800 and comparing it with the N9 as well as the Samsung Galaxy S2 so stay tuned!


  1. cool, im waiting this for only 1 reason, to get the N9 cheaper :D

  2. I've had a play with a Lumia 800 in a phone shop here in the U.K. The screen is a bit smaller (3.7") due to the bottom being cut off to accommodate the 'Windows Home' button and the home screen looks a bit lopsided, asymetrical, with the tiles on the left and a touch screen button on the right to change screens. Overall I would say this gives it a more primitive feel missing the swipe gestures of the N9, in fact more dated (like the iphone ;) On the other hand the tile animation when opening redeems that to some extent and it does appear to be very quick. Not sure if or how it multitasks, there seems to be no open applications screen, if fact only two Home and Apps. The integration with 'Office' could be worthwhile.
    Still glad I bought the N9 swipe gesture just seems more sophisticated than touching buttons
